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What goes into an effective parenting plan?

On Behalf of | Nov 10, 2020 | Family Law |

As part of your divorce, you and your current spouse must create a plan for raising your shared children together in Virginia. Do you know the elements that create a viable parenting plan?

Divorce Magazine offers advice that may prove valuable. Learn how to help your kids enjoy satisfying lives with both parents.

Start sooner rather than later

Do not put off sitting down with your soon-to-be-ex and creating a blueprint for your parenting plan. Quick action lays a foundation for your children during a challenging time; establishing a routine can help their adjustment period.

Voice your concerns

You should not take the “wait and see” approach with any fears or worries you harbor concerning custody. For example, the other parent may have a health issue or substance abuse struggles that may impair her or his ability to look after your children. Determine the most favorable method to voice your concerns. That way, you reduce your chances of amending your parenting plan later, which may take more time and energy than you have to spare.

Put your children first

With every aspect of your parenting plan, think about doing right by your children. Do not bad-mouth the other parent in front of your children, nor should you use your children as spies to relay information about the other parent’s life. Instead, concentrate on showing your kids you love and care about them.

On a related note, if you have older children who can voice their opinion, ask what they want. Do they want to live in a specific household during the week? How can you match your schedule with your child’s extracurricular activity schedule? You do not have to honor every request, but asking helps point you in the right direction regarding organizing your plan.

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