One clear trend that is unlikely to change is that accidents between trucks and passenger vehicles result in more deaths to the occupants of the smaller vehicle. With trucks weighing many times more than other vehicles, cars bear the brunt of the damage. The higher...
Month: March 2021
Does a second or third Virginia DUI mean mandatory jail time?
Virginia considers drunk driving to be a serious offense, and the penalties you face for doing so increase in severity with each subsequent conviction. While you may not, depending on circumstances, have to spend time in jail after a first-time conviction for driving...
Do I have to undergo a breathalyzer test if I’m pulled over?
If a police officer pulls you over, and has a reasonable suspicion that you might be intoxicated, they could ask you to undergo a blood alcohol test through the use of a breathalyzer. Regardless of whether you have actually been drinking or not, you now have a choice:...

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