As the weather continues to heat up, we will likely see more and more motorcycle traffic around our Virginia roads. Unfortunately, motorcycle riders tend to suffer the most catastrophic injuries in any type of collision. Whether it is amputation, spinal cord trauma or paralysis, riders face danger at every turn.
Here are three things to keep in mind as you suit up for a ride:
- Avoid distractions: While many people equate the term distracted driving with those in a car or truck who have access to multiple electronic devices, food and reading material. On a motorcycle, while limited, riders can still be distracted. Whether it is making Bluetooth phone calls or listening to a favorite playlist, riders can lose focus on the road. Additionally, distractions can be environmental – looking at your surroundings, gazing into other cars on the road or looking at a construction site. Riders who pull their eyes from the road run the risk of collision.
- Wear proper safety gear: In a vehicle collision, motorcycle riders are protected by little other than their clothing. Riders should always wear a helmet as well as heavy boots and clothing no matter the weather. Additionally, motorcycle riders can wear a reflective vest or reflective tape along their extremities to help drivers to see them.
- Assume you are invisible: Following on from the previous tip, riders should always assume they are invisible to others on the road. Wearing bright or reflective clothing to help counteract that. Additionally, riders should always make decisions about merging, turning or changing lanes based on the premise that car and truck drivers have no idea where the motorcycle happens to be.
In any motor vehicle collision, a motorcycle rider tends to suffer the most devastating injuries. From broken bones and lacerations to head trauma and road rash, riders can be injured by the initial impact and impact with the road or stationary structures such as guardrails.