Many people may not realize that failing to pay child support can lead to serious repercussions. Aside from property liens, the loss of tax refunds and even jail time, some parents face the suspension of their driving privileges.
Losing a driver’s license can lead to serious consequences for parents. This highlights the importance of shedding light on this issue and fulfilling parental responsibilities.
Unpaid child support and driving privileges
When a parent fails to meet their financial obligations towards their child, the court may take various measures to enforce payment. One such measure is the suspension of driving privileges. According to the Virginia Legislative Information System, non-custodial parents in this state could face license suspension or the inability to renew their license if they are more than 90 days behind on child support or owe over $5,000 in back support.
By suspending driving privileges, the court aims to encourage individuals to prioritize their child’s well-being and financial support. It serves as a reminder that fulfilling parental obligations is not optional, but rather a legal and moral duty.
Paying support to protect driving privileges
Losing driving privileges can have significant consequences on a parent’s daily life. It can hinder their ability to commute to work, attend school and fulfill other essential responsibilities. This serves as a wake-up call, urging delinquent parents to take immediate action to rectify their situation.
The process of suspending driving privileges due to unpaid child support involves various stages. Initially, a court order goes out, notifying the delinquent parent of their obligation to pay child support. If they continue to neglect their responsibilities, the court could suspend their license. To restore these privileges, the parent must demonstrate their commitment to fulfilling their child support obligations by paying arrears or setting up a payment plan. Parents who cannot pay support due to financial problems may want to look into child support modification.