Reckless Driving Can Have A Negative Impact On Your Future
Virginia Reckless Driving Charges Are Extremely Serious
There’s a huge difference between a speeding ticket and a reckless driving citation. Speeding is a traffic infraction that places points against your driving record, but it doesn’t make you a criminal. Reckless driving, however, is a Class 1 misdemeanor, and paying the fine will create a criminal record that will follow you for years. In most cases, it will also lead to a six-month suspension of your driver’s license and can even result in jail time.
The law firm of McGrady & McGrady, PLLC, has advised local and out-of-state drivers about the best ways to deal with reckless driving charges for years. We have helped many drivers avoid license suspensions in reckless driving cases based on excessive speed. We look for all possible solutions, from taking a case to trial and fighting for an acquittal or dismissal to advising clients to plead to speeding or even an equipment violation when appropriate.
See how our experience and trial strategies can work for you. Call 276-779-4451 or 888-505-9168 today.
Southwest Virginia Speeding Charges Attorneys
In most situations, reckless driving doesn’t mean you were driving like a complete maniac. Instead, a reckless driving charge can be based on exceeding the speed limit by:
- Any recorded speed greater than 80 mph on an interstate
- Any speed more than 20 mph over the posted limit on other roads and highways
If you are convicted of reckless driving, you face:
- Up to 12 months in jail
- Up to $2,500 in fines
- Loss of driving privileges
- A criminal record that will affect your ability to obtain employment, housing, federal financial aid for school and many other things
If you are convicted and did not have a valid driver’s license or caused the death of another, the reckless driving charge changes from a Class 1 misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony. This amplifies the consequences you face and makes it even more vital for you to retain the services of an experienced lawyer.
The Carroll County reckless driving attorneys of McGrady & McGrady, PLLC, have lived and worked in the county for most of their lives, and are descendants of some of the original Carroll County settlers. We help local drivers, commercial drivers and motorists from out of state on reckless driving charges, and we’ve handled thousands of these cases since our firm opened in 1973. We will talk to you to find out just what happened and what the traffic conditions were like, and to see whether there were any reasons why you happened to be going that fast at that particular moment.
Contact McGrady & McGrady, PLLC
Find out how you can benefit from our experience with cases involving reckless driving, excessive speeding and other serious traffic charges. For more information about your options for avoiding a license suspension, a criminal record and the possibility of jail time, contact McGrady & McGrady, PLLC, online or by calling our office in Hillsville at 276-779-4451 or 888-505-9168.