If you enjoy walking for exercise or need to walk to work, it is crucial to watch out for hazards on the road. There are a lot of different reasons why pedestrian accidents take place, such as drivers losing control due to icy roads, alcohol and poor visibility. However, many pedestrian accidents occur as a result of speeding, which not only makes it harder for drivers to see pedestrians and others on the road but also leads to more devastating outcomes.
Drivers speed for many reasons, from running late for work to road rage and wanting to make it to a certain event on time. Sadly, they endanger lives when they ignore traffic safety guidelines and fail to stay within the speed limit. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 5,900 people died in pedestrian accidents in 2017.
The dangers pedestrians face when drivers speed
Drivers who speed often have a much harder time seeing pedestrians, especially when it is dark during the early morning hours, the evening and at night. Moreover, pedestrians who are walking up or down a steep hill or around a sharp turn are especially vulnerable when drivers go over the speed limit and fail to slow down during a dangerous section of the roadway.
The impact of a high-speed pedestrian accident
Whenever a vehicle strikes someone who is walking, serious repercussions are likely. However, vehicles traveling very fast are especially likely to cause serious injuries or death when an accident occurs. If you were struck by a speeding driver, it is very likely that you have injuries to deal with and other hardships, such as financial complications and mental trauma.