If you are facing reckless driving charges, you need to carefully think about the different ways in which these allegations could turn your life upside down. In addition to financial penalties, the potential loss of your driving privileges and a shattered reputation, reckless driving charges carry other repercussions. For example, some people accused of this offense struggle due to having these charges on their DMV record for many years.
There are multiple ways in which having reckless driving charges (and other types of traffic offenses) on your record can adversely affect your life.
How long does a reckless driving conviction stay on your record?
According to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, reckless driving charges can stay on your record for up to 11 years, depending on the nature of the offense. For example, drivers convicted of speeding over 85 miles per hour, racing, driving too fast for current conditions of the road and passing a school bus have the conviction on their DMV record for 11 years.
How can reckless driving charges affect you?
There are a host of ways in which a reckless driving case can affect you, not only from a short-term standpoint but also with respect to your future. Aside from fines and high levels of stress, later on you could face career challenges if you pursue certain types of work.
Moreover, if you accumulate enough points on your DMV record, you could lose your driving privileges altogether due to license suspension. Make sure you understand what is at stake if you are facing reckless driving charges.