In 2021, about 3,000 people died due to distracted drivers. Distractions include eating, drinking, playing with the navigation system, adjusting the stereo, etc. However, one of the most deadly distractions may be texting and driving.
According to the NHTSA, you cannot maintain safety if you do not fully pay attention to driving.
Why do people text and drive?
Many people text and drive because they do not recognize how dangerous it is. Generally, teenagers and other young people tend to use their phones while driving. Teens may text and drive because they see their peers do it or do not think an accident can happen to them. Parents and other adult mentors can make a difference by leading by example. Not only can you talk with your kids, but you should also pledge to drive yourself safely. While driving, keep your attention on the road.
What is the danger of texting and driving?
You have cognitive, visual, and manual distractions when it comes to distractions. Texting manages to distract people in all three ways. You have to take your eyes off the road to read and reply to a text, your hand leaves the steering wheel to answer the text and you become distracted by the conversation rather than focusing on the road ahead. When you take your eyes off the road for a few seconds to read or send a text, you may as well drive with your eyes closed.
When it takes to send a text or read a message, obstacles can enter the roadway and cause an accident.