Did you know that 967 people in Virginia lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents in 2021? This figure does not take into account the 161 individuals who receive injuries in car accidents.
If you get into a motor vehicle accident, you probably know that your first step is to call 911 and move out of traffic if you can. However, there are other steps you should take if you receive an injury.
Get documentation
If you are capable of doing so, document the accident. Write down or record what occurred. Take photos of the scene. Get the names and addresses of any witnesses. Request a copy of the police report on the scene. Look for signs of traffic violations, such as tire tracks or smashed guard rails. Document everything you can find.
Share information
You should have your insurance, license and registration information readily available for the police when they arrive. In addition, you should be on your best behavior. Allow the police to look over your documentation if you have done this first. Give a calm, accurate account of what occurred.
You also need to share information with the other driver. This means exchanging insurance and contact information. Avoid admitting to any wrongdoing or stating that you were not injured. Keep your conversation as brief as possible.
Get treatment
Whether you are severely injured or not, you should visit a hospital or your general practitioner. Often, injuries from car accidents are not readily apparent because you have so much adrenaline flowing through you at the time. In fact, it can take up to 24 hours for an injury to present itself. Therefore, seek medical treatment immediately.
After you have completed these steps, you should contact your insurance company about the incident. Prepare to share your documentation.